Cara Menyiapkan Lazy Load untuk unit Iklan Google AdSense

Salah satu masalah umum yang sering dihadapi penerbit adalah Google AdSense mempengaruhi kecepatan blog asli kita. Karena tidak memiliki kontrol atas pengoptimalan sumber daya, kita hanya berakhir dengan perasaan sedih.

Seperti thumbnail video YouTube, mereka seharusnya menggunakan WebP untuk gambar unit iklan. Sungguh ironis, bahwa kadang-kadang mereka tidak repot-repot melayani dengan kompresi GZIP, atau menjaga sumber daya tetap diminifikasi. Sumber daya yang sangat besar dan beban ekstra dari banyak pencarian DNS, membunuh kecepatan halaman kami seperti neraka.

Beberapa bulan yang lalu, ketika saya men-tweet masalah kecepatan unit iklan, saya tidak mendapatkan respon yang memuaskan. Saya kembali sendiri dengan solusi yang akan mencegah AdSense memperlambat pemuatan konten asli Anda.

Sejujurnya, secara pribadi saya bukan penggemar berat lazy load bahkan untuk gambar. Tapi tetap saja, saya hanya ingin berbagi opsi yang ringan. Jika Anda suka, Anda dapat mencobanya sekali jika Anda sangat peduli dengan penyajian konten utama terlebih dahulu, sebelum Unit Iklan.

Tip: Anda dapat menggunakan Ezoic untuk mendapatkan lebih dari AdSense & meng-host WP tanpa biaya.

Instruksi untuk Pengaturan Pemuatan Malas untuk AdSense

Secara alami, beginilah tampilan kode unit iklan asli.

<script async src="//"></script>
<!-- leaderboard -->
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Rincian teknis: Pada dasarnya apa yang terjadi adalah memuat dalam bentuk asinkron, berarti browser terus mengunduh skrip adsbygoogle.js tanpa menghalangi parsing HTML.

Tapi di sini, dalam metode lazy loading saya akan mengubah metode ASYNC menjadi DEFER yang sebenarnya. Skrip AdSense akan mulai mengunduh di browser, hanya setelah jendela selesai memuat halaman web utama. Dengan cara ini, pengunjung tidak perlu menunggu untuk melihat seluruh halaman dengan cepat untuk AdSense.

Untuk tujuan ini, Anda tidak perlu membuat perubahan besar pada unit iklan Anda. Cukup kita akan mengubah gaya pemuatan adsbygoogle.js yang akan melakukan semua keajaiban.

Yang perlu Anda ikuti di bawah ini dua Langkah

Hapus skrip di bawah ini dari semua unit iklan yang ada.

<script async src="//"></script>

Sekarang akan muncul seperti ini

<ins class="adsbygoogle"
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Setelah itu, tambahkan kode JavaScript di bawah ini di Footer Tema Anda, mungkin tepat sebelum tag body.

Metode 1. peristiwa onload

Petunjuk: Tag Noptimize hadir untuk membuat kompatibel dengan Autoptimize. Ini akan mencegah agregasi AdSense lazy loader inline JS.

<script type="text/javascript">
function downloadJSAtOnload() {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.src = "";
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", downloadJSAtOnload, false);
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", downloadJSAtOnload);
else window.onload = downloadJSAtOnload;
  1. Kode di atas, Anda dapat menggunakan melalui opsi Tema jika tersedia untuk menambahkan skrip khusus
  2. Untuk Genesis, gunakan melalui plugin Genesis Simple Hooks dengan opsi genesis_after
  3. atau plugin Header dan Footer untuk tema lainnya.
genesis hooks option

Apa yang sebenarnya dilakukan skrip ini?

Skrip ini akan memastikan bahwa unit Iklan AdSense Anda akan mulai dimuat dan terlihat setelah menyelesaikan pemuatan lengkap halaman web utama Anda. Itulah mengapa saya menamainya, Lazy Loading untuk Google AdSense.

Metode 2. Peristiwa onscroll

Pendekatan ini akan memuat unit iklan hanya ketika pengguna menggulir halaman web jika tidak.

<script type='text/javascript'>
var la=!1;window.addEventListener("scroll",function(){(0!=document.documentElement.scrollTop&&!1===la||0!=document.body.scrollTop&&!1===la)&&(!function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript",e.async=!0,e.src="";var a=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];a.parentNode.insertBefore(e,a)}(),la=!0)},!0);

Metode 3. Menampilkan Unit Iklan pada Interaksi Pengguna

Jika Anda ingin menampilkan iklan tepat waktu tanpa mengorbankan pendapatan dan kinerja, Anda dapat menggunakan plugin “Flying Scripts by WP Speed Matters” untuk mengunduh dan menjalankan JS berdasarkan interaksi pengguna.

Bagian terbaiknya, Anda sama sekali tidak perlu membuat perubahan apa pun dalam kode iklan Anda.

flying scripts plugin settings for lazy loading
UI Flying Script yang rapi dan bersih
  • Pergi ke pengaturan plugin, sertakan kata kunci adsbygoogle
  • Kemudian, simpan pengaturan dan bersihkan (hapus) cache halaman. Itu saja.

Hasil Kinerja

Saya telah menggunakan plugin ini di salah satu situs klien saya yang menggunakan jaringan iklan Mediavine (yang lebih berat daripada unit Iklan Adsense) inti vital berhasil dilewati untuk Mobile dan Desktop keduanya.

core vital result

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131 pemikiran pada “Cara Menyiapkan Lazy Load untuk unit Iklan Google AdSense”

  1. Thanks, the article is very helpful. Regarding my mystery story blog, the initial display is slow, and may be hindering income.
    Works on my blog

  2. Hi! I use manually placed adsense ads in articles and also I use adsense vignette ads (auto). If I use your second code will it affect vignette ads? Because they are shown between pages and not on pages.

    • 1. There is one customized responsive ad unit added in top header using Elements > Hook option. Here’s the code if you need.

      2. Then I have two responsive ad units added after paragraphs 2 and 8 using Ad Inserter. That’s all.

  3. Hello. Thank you so much for the useful information.

    I have read all the posts and comments.

    Google Adsense updated, but this code still works fine for me.

    But as you said in your comment, “If you have AdSense placement mainly in above the fold, you should avoid.” Due to the problem, I also stopped using it.

    By any chance, how are you displaying AdSense now?

    Are you just using the default (provided by Google) code?


    Can you please let me know if you are using another method?

    Thank you.

  4. Method 2 worked for me, but method 1 did not.
    Method 2 increases pagespeed from a meager 50 to a whopping 92 on mobile.
    Method 1 did nothing.
    The downside is that method 2 loads the add only after a scroll, even if it is above the fold.

    I find it amazing that google puts so much emphasis on pagespeed while at the same time slows sites with adsense down to impossible levels.

  5. Theoretically speaking, does lazy loading affect ads targeting? I kinda notice that the ads I see when lazy loading seem quite different from AdSense auto ads.

    Thank you

  6. Thanks for the great tip. However, recently AdSense launched new ad code that looks like this:

    Do we need to update the Javascript you provided?

  7. Improved JS version as per new AdSense code. Added query string for publishing ID and crossOrigin property.

    function downloadJSAtOnload() {
    var element = document.createElement(“script”);
    element.src = “″;
    if (window.addEventListener)
    window.addEventListener(“load”, downloadJSAtOnload, false);
    else if (window.attachEvent)
    window.attachEvent(“onload”, downloadJSAtOnload);
    else window.onload = downloadJSAtOnload;

      • Hey Gulshan, thanks for providing us with this code. But I discovered that it’s not lazy loading, but just to defer loading of ads.

        I will like it if you will make it to load ads only when user scrolls to the viewport where the ads are meant to show.

        Thanks a lot

  8. what about the header tag which will be added for Adsense approval?

    this is present in the header, should we keep this or remove it?

  9. Brother, initially it worked fine but after 1 day it stoped working and my ads load very fast, page speed decreased. Please help

    • You do not need to put this script in all Ad units. As provided code will work across all web page if once added in body tag.

  10. Thanks so much for the code and your research Gulshan. My Pagespeed score is now, as you say, as without Adsense placed on the page. Also reassuring that you’ve been using the second option since June 2020, I’m guessing without Google Adsense wrath. Thanks also for your continued watch of this post. With Core Web Vitals being slapped on us in a couple of months, I’m sure many people are looking for this type of assistance now.

  11. Gracias hermano por el aporte este truco de lazy espectacular me ayudo en Lighthouse Report Viewer de 40 a 80 puntos….todo debido a ese script de google adsense.. 🙂

  12. My site’s speed was seriously battered due to adsense codes but using this code raised my speed to 90. Thanks for this hint, its really the drug for FCP and CLS

  13. Hey buddy! I just come across your article and this is literally amazing but I had one issue.. I m trying to work with the second option, which is the scroll event, I did the steps u said on the first event but besides putting the lazy load code I put the scroll one but it doesn’t work, PLEASE I was looking for this script for months and finally when I found it, it won’t work could you please show me exactly how it works or is there any video I can follow..

    Really appreciate you effort

  14. The second method drastically increased my pagespeed score. Is there any issue with the second method when compared to the first?.

  15. Gulshan,

    Which of the both methods are you seeing an effective balance between load speed and the revenue?

    In the comments you said, you haven’t using the lazy load.

    Can we able to add an array tags to the JS code, so that it applies to only that ads code? We can easily add a comment to the adsense code if they are below the fold.

    That should help in even fine tune the code.

    • At the moment of writing this comment, I am using second method which is based on scroll. I feel, it is subject to test what perform best for each site.

  16. Based on this “Update 12/09/2017: I have removed this method from my blog since I found that it reduces Ad impressions. So, please implement at your own responsibility.”

    Can anyone confirm if this method still affects impressions?

      • I don’t the exact number of articles I have read. Finally Boom 💣
        Previously with ads my speed decrease by 50 points on the lighthouse
        Now my speed is above 97 even with ads

        One more question, My non-amp pages are faster than amp pages…which should I use for my blog posts?

  17. Hi, I just wanted to implement your code but then I wasn’t able to see your code, already tried opening it in Chrome and Firefox but where the code is supposed to be there is just a grey box unfortunately…

  18. Gulshan, I want to know, will this accept Google Adsense policy? Becuase they are very strict when comes to modification of their ad code.

    • Hi,
      Great question!

      We are not modifying heavily like modifications. We are just adjusting same script in a way to load after finishing page load. From async to defer. So, I don’t think it’s a violation.

  19. Gulshan, I want to know, will this accept Google Adsense policy? Becuase they are very strict when comes to modification of their ad code.

    • Hi,
      Great question!

      We are not modifying heavily like modifications. We are just adjusting same script in a way to load after finishing page load. From async to defer. So, I don’t think it’s a violation.

  20. You must execute for every ad after load the script:

    (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

    so if you have 3 ads you must execute this code 3 times 😉

  21. Thanks really helpful will use it in my website..hope there is a similar guide for other ads as well nice website keep it up

  22. Thanks really helpful will use it in my website..hope there is a similar guide for other ads as well nice website keep it up

  23. Great share Gulshan. Personally, I’m not a big fan of Google AdSense and prefer to stay away since it slows down the website and distracts the users.

    I don’t want my readers to click on the ad and leave my site while reading an article where I could have gotten a chance to make an affiliate sale. Also, Google pays peanuts, which is another sad truth.

    Lazy load can reduce the server load and improve the site speed by a good margin. Thanks for sharing the script.

  24. Great share Gulshan. Personally, I’m not a big fan of Google AdSense and prefer to stay away since it slows down the website and distracts the users.

    I don’t want my readers to click on the ad and leave my site while reading an article where I could have gotten a chance to make an affiliate sale. Also, Google pays peanuts, which is another sad truth.

    Lazy load can reduce the server load and improve the site speed by a good margin. Thanks for sharing the script.

  25. Just Now I removed the lazy load Adsense option on my website,

    Once you add the script for lazy load, site loading is very fast, but the main problem is if your having more than 3 ads means sometimes ads not showing, it shows blank space, once refresh only ads came, I recently found out this problem.

    Then only i remove the script, normally my side load time is 5 secs, while using lazy load 2 secs only.

    • Thanks for the feedback.

      Lazy load is not harming anything of Google AdSense or their Advertiser, so it’s fair use in my opinion.

    • Thanks for the feedback.

      Lazy load is not harming anything of Google AdSense or their Advertiser, so it’s fair use in my opinion.

  26. Fabulous! 245 ms load time. How cloudflare is caching HTML content? Part of their paid plan?
    “cf-cache-status” shows HIT, which I never get for any HTML content. I always get very long wait time with CF, around 0.5 to 1 Sec every time.

    On the server side, using Key-CDN cache enabler, and Autoptimize, there’s only Two CSS and one JS file, excluding adsense scripts.

  27. Fabulous! 245 ms load time. How cloudflare is caching HTML content? Part of their paid plan?
    “cf-cache-status” shows HIT, which I never get for any HTML content. I always get very long wait time with CF, around 0.5 to 1 Sec every time.

    On the server side, using Key-CDN cache enabler, and Autoptimize, there’s only Two CSS and one JS file, excluding adsense scripts.

    • Great Now My site works really awesome fast. i am also like to know How to do Https for my website using cloudfare ? Can you guide me.

      One more doubt : How to use cloudfare ssl for normal html websites ?

      Thank you
