BunnyCDN Review 🚀Fastest, Affordable CDN

80-90% page load time depends on static assets such as CSS, Fonts, JS, Images, etc. Off-loading these static assets to a BunnyCDN (Content Delivery Network) can make a site 3x faster. A CDN is a form of a geographically distributed network that helps serving content quickly from the nearest PoP.

❤️ Introducing My favourite BunnyCDN 🎉

Launched in 2015, BunnyCDN is a Slovenia based CDN company that provides highly affordable, blazing-fast CDN with enterprise-level of security. Since then company is dominating CDN market with the disrupting pricing and outstanding features. Especially for India, this is the most affordable CDN ever.

Server Locations

The Datacenter location of a CDN greatly matter. As much as closer to your target audience, it would be faster for them.

BunnyCDN has 112 PoPs with Tier 1 network. 👌

bunnycdn locations


  • Amsterdam Volume
  • Athens
  • Bucharest
  • Frankfurt Volume
  • Helsinki
  • London
  • Madrid
  • Milan
  • Moscow
  • Oslo
  • Paris Volume
  • Prague
  • Vilnius
  • Warsaw

North America

  • Atlanta
  • Ashburn
  • Chicago
  • Dallas
  • Denver
  • Los Angeles
  • Miami
  • Montreal
  • New York City
  • San Jose
  • Seattle
  • Toronto
  • Vancouve

Asia & Oceania

  • Adelaide
  • Auckland
  • Bangalore
  • Brisbane
  • Hong Kong
  • Istanbul
  • Israel
  • Melbourne
  • Mumbai
  • Perth
  • Seoul
  • Singapore
  • Sydney
  • Tokyo


  • Dubai
  • Johannesburg
  • Lagos

South America

  • São Paulo
  • Santiago

See the complete list of PoP locations at Bunny Network page.

Excellent Backend Technology 💪

  • 80 Tbps+ Network capacity
  • 26 ms average latency (according to cdnperf.com)
  • NVMe + SSD powered NGINX Server
  • HTTP/2 Network Protocol that is much faster than HTTP 1.1
  • Brotli with fall back to gzip for HTTP Compression
  • BunnyDNS for better GEO Routing
  • TLS 1.3, it’s 2x faster than TLS 1.2
TLS version 1.3 performance compared to TLS 1.2
Tim Vereecke from Akamai shows performance comparision between TLS 1.3 and 1.2

Evident Low Latency Performance 😯

TTFB (Time to the First Byte) is an important metric which indicates the server responsiveness. Ideally, under 100ms is respectful.

TTFB Test from 14 regions

Priority Support from BunnyCDN Team

  • My experience with BunnyCDN is like being a privileged customer. 😎
  • I received the fastest technical support with an average response time of 1 hour 33 minutes only. 👏
BunnyCDN support analysis

A customer-centric company

  • Before your credit expires, they send a graceful reminder instead. 👏
  • They are quite active on Twitter with useful updates. 📣
A tweet from BunnyCDN

A beginner-friendly Dashboard 👏

  • The dashboard has a simple UI and comes with easy documentation.
bunnycdn dashboard

Notable Features of BunnyCDN Dashboard 👏

  1. General: Custom CNAME hostnames, HTTP/2, TLS 1.3, Brotli & GZIP Compression, WebP Images, etc.
  2. Security: Let’s Encrypt SSL, Country Blocking, One-click CORS headers, Edge Rule, etc.
  3. Billing: Pay as you go, Overcharge protection, pay with PayPal, Credit Card, Bitcoin, credits never expires.
  4. Advanced: API, Edge Rules, the option to Purge Cache Instantly, etc.
  5. Privacy: GDPR compliant.
  6. Logs: Error logs by HTTP response type, Real-time log monitor, etc.
  7. Perma Cache: It can do geo-replication of cache in few important locations as of now.
Real Time logs

Pricing Vs Performace Benchmark 💪

Let’s see where BunnyCDN stand in the competition of the CDN market.

  • Pricing: BunnyCDN offers 14 days free trial without credit card. Later, pay As You Go Plan plan. No contract.
  • Performance: I have discovered the average response time of TTFB under 26 ms.
  • Reference: According to CDNPerf data, currently BunnyCDN is the 2nd fastest CDN in the world
cdn perf data
RegionBunnyCDN Pricing
Europe & North America$0.01/GB
Asia & Oceania$0.03/GB
South America$0.045/GB
South Africa$0.06/GB

👉 Since 22 July 2019, BunnyCDN requires minimum $1 monthly payment. Means, your bill cannot go below than this as long you use its services.

Comparison with its competitors 🔥


KeyCDN offers 1-month free trial, requires a $50 minimum advanced deposit that expires in a year. Performance-wise, it’s almost similar to BunnyCDN.


First 10 TB
per month
Next 40 TB
per month
Next 100 TB
per month
Next 350 TB
per month
North AmericaEurope$0.04/GB$0.03/GB$0.02/GB$0.01/GB
Asia Oceania$0.10/GB$0.08/GB$0.06/GB$0.03/GB
South Africa South America$0.14/GB$0.10/GB$0.08/GB$0.05/GB

Amazon Cloudfront, one of the fastest CDN for India, however, it’s costly compared to BunnyCDN. They have Pay As You Go model monthly invoice based pricing.

 Per Month  United States & Canada Europe  South Africa & Middle East Japan Australia Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, & Philippines  India South America 
 First 10TB $0.085$0.085$0.110$0.114$0.114$0.140$0.170$0.250
 Next 40TB $0.080$0.080$0.105$0.089$0.098$0.135$0.130$0.200
 Next 100TB $0.060$0.060$0.090$0.086$0.094$0.120$0.110$0.180
 Next 350TB $0.040$0.040$0.080$0.084$0.092$0.100$0.100$0.160
 Next 524TB $0.030$0.030$0.060$0.080$0.090$0.080$0.100$0.140
 Next 4PB $0.025$0.025$0.050$0.070$0.085$0.070$0.100$0.130
 Over 5PB $0.020$0.020$0.040$0.060$0.080$0.060$0.100$0.125

Cloudflare is a reputed brand, they provide generous free services to try their platform.

They also have FreeProBusiness and Enterprise plan with big clients and associated with many popular hosting companies like Siteground.

I do not recommend using its free plan for a site with Indian audience due to inconsistent routing to Indian DC, subject to visitor’s ISP. 

However, free plan is still good for DNS, and proxy if you just want to sustain your heavy traffic

If you want real improvement in the performance, you should always prefer its premium plans like Pro, Business or Enterprise with Argo.

Cloudflare CDN by nature works as a reverse proxy not pull zone, so it comes with its own pro and cons depending upon usage case.

Conclusion: BunnyCDN beats everyone in terms of lowest pricing while still delivering amazing performance.

If you want to try BunnyCDN, feel free to sign up free trial and follow the below steps to set up with WordPress.

Using BunnyCDN with WordPress and Cloudflare DNS 😍

I know that you are thinking, Cloudflare is already a CDN then how we can use together? See, we can use Cloudflare just as a DNS manager without using its reverse-proxy based CDN.

Required Information

  1. A BunnyCDN account
  2. WordPress Dashboard with the Administrator role
  3. DNS manager (optional if you want to set up custom hostname)

Add a new Pull zone

  • Name: site-name
  • Origin URL: https://www.example.com
  • Pricing Zones: All selected
  • Click on Add PullZone button
Adding a Pull zone


For example, here I selected cdn.gulshankumar.net


At Cloudflare DNS, point custom hostname to BunnyCDN

point DNS for CDN
Note: TTL can be Automatic or 1 Day. Keep DNS mode only for smooth experience.

Install Let’s Encrypt SSL for Custom hostname 🔒

Enable SSL for all hostnames. BunnyCDN will renew automatically before cert expires.

How to Integrate BunnyCDN in WordPress?

  • Install and activate BunnyCDN plugin
  • Configure in advanced mode as indicated below via screenshots
advanced mode
BunnyCDN plugin
bunnycdn plugin setup

If you’re using a cache plugin WP Rocket, navigate to CDN option and enter the Pull Zone hostname.

wp rocket cdn
This is how you can setup BunnyCDN in WP Rocket

Critical Reviews

bunnycdn reviews twitter

Conclusion as per my personal experience

  • I have nothing against it, all I can say it’s worth every penny.

What is BunnyCDN?

Founded by Dejan Grofelnik Pelzel in 2015, BunnyCDN is web performance company based in Slovenia, founded by small group of passionate people who want to deliver amazing performance at best price. The company offers some helpful services such as Content Delivery Network, Cloud Storage, Video Delivery, Software Distribution solution. Being GDPR compliant is another notable thing about this company.

Where is the BunnyCDN Datacenters?

Europe, North America, Africa, South America, Asia & Oceania. It is globally faster with average latency of 26 ms.

Does BunnyCDN support serving from cookies-free domains?

Yes, you can serve static resources stripping all cookies.

Does BunnyCDN support WebP images?

BunnyCDN can gracefully serve WebP images for the modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox while traditional format for other browsers. This features require enabling BunnyCDN Optimizer.

What is BunnyCDN Pricing model?

First off, BunnyCDN offers 14 days free trial. If you continue using services, you need to pay minimum $1 or max as per billing. The services is based on Pay as you Go model. You pay only what you use. There is no contract system.

How do I integrate BunnyCDN with WordPress?

You can use its official plugin.

Can I host Static WordPress site?

It is possible to host ultra-secure, fastest WordPress in Static form. Follow this tutorial to learn how.

Let me knows if you have any question. I would be happy to clarify. 🤗

Gulshan Kumar


Gulshan Kumar

Managing Server, Optimization and Security.
Availability: Mon-Fri (10:00 AM to 04:00 PM IST)

Leave a Comment

8 thoughts on “BunnyCDN Review 🚀Fastest, Affordable CDN”


    Hello there, my website is on Cloudflare free plan. I like to hide the IP of it through the proxy, maybe the DDoS protection which is a must for me occasionally and the WAF rules. Is it good for me to disable the cache through the Cache Rules from Cloudflare and use the Bunny CDN with proxy on? Thanks for answer.

    • If your concern is Security, use Cloudflare (Pro). For performance, you can use Bunny for static files using its plugins.


    Hello sir, by seeing your review I used bunny cdn and Surprisingly my website speed increased. But still page speed insight is showing that Jquery is dong render blocking. Is it possible to pass that jquery through bunny CDN?

    • Gulshan Kumar

      Try Autoptimize plugin. Please note, you have to give some time for testing its settings. For your information, It’s not Install, Activate and done. Render blocking resources are there for a reason added by theme/plugin. Using a CDN can speed up its delivery but cannot modify the way it is being delivered before using CDN. You have to try additional plugin as suggested by me. It can help in deferring jQuery. You have to play with its settings to find what works best for you. If you need any further help, please contact me.

  3. Lakulo

    Hi Gulshan,

    Honestly, first time I know about cdn is I can’t believe that thing can speed up a website very fast. Last time I tried cloudflare (free version for a few days) but it’s make my site very slow. I think litespeed cache plugin is faster than the cloudflare cdn. Even I use litespeed plugin, I got around 9s-13s to load. The response time of my hosting provider is poor. Then I upgraded to better hosting provider but it still doesn’t satisfy me. I only got 4s for desktop and around 5s for mobile load time. FYI, I never touch that time using my previous hosting provider.

    Today, I’ve watched your video and read this very long article about bunny cdn. I also tested your homepage and this page, using google page speed insight. The result are amazing. Your homepage only need less than 1s to finish. Also, this page only need 2s to load.

    I have a question for you.
    We know that every country (let’s say India, Malaysia and Indonesia) have their cheap local hosting provider. Most of them are slow both in response time and load time. What happen if I use it, then I integrate it with bunny cdn? Is the site will be ultrafast like yours?

    • Gulshan Kumar

      Please share site URL in question.

  4. Ashwin

    Hi Gulshan,

    Greate article! I was just looking for an affordable CDN and glad that I found your site. I have few questions to ask before I go ahead, Please reply if possible.

    1. Currently My site is hosted at DigitalOcean and my domain is directly pointing to my DigitalOcean droplet (have implemented letsencrypt SSL). Now to proceed with bunny CDN, If I want to use Cloudflare DNS, I will need to point my domain to cloudflare and then from cloudflare I have to point to my DigitalOceans droplet. Is this approach good? Or What is the other option? (Are we comparing DigitalOcean’s DNS and Cloudflare’s DNS?)

    2. I am using WP-rocket and you have advice to configure it with Pull Zone hostname. What hostname we should enter? Just hostname without b-cdn.net OR custom hostname cdn.domain.com ? Also Is this config necessary?

    Thanks in advance.
